ECE Newsletter – July 15, 2024

News  |  July 15, 2024

Professor Lei He’s group awarded Best Paper by First IEEE International Workshop on LLM-Aided Design

Zhuofu Tao, Yichen Shi, Yiru Huo, Rui Ye, Zonghang Li, Li Huang, Chen Wu, Na Bai, Zhiping Yu, Ting-Jung Lin, and Professor Lei He wrote a paper entitled “AMSNet: Netlist Dataset for AMS Circuits”. They won the Best Paper Award at the First IEEE International Workshop on LLM-Aided Design at IBM Research in San Jose, CA. Among the authors, Zhuofu Tao is a PhD student from Professor He’s group, and Chen Wu is a graduated PhD from his group.

For more information, please see here.

Physics World, by IOP (Institute of Physics), highlighted one of Ozcan Lab’s recent work on information hiding cameras

Physics World

For more information, please see the full article and press coverage.

Ozcan and Jarrahi Labs published a new paper on multiplexed data processing and encryption

Please see the paper and press release.

Ozcan Lab published a new article on a paper-based portable serology test for COVID-19 immunity monitoring

Please see the paper and press release.



Guest speaker: Cheryl Seow


Room: Tesla Room

Upcoming Ph.D. Oral Defenses


Ph.D. Student: Shurui Li

Time 12-2pm

Room: Faraday Room


Ph.D. Student: Sadman Sakib Rahman

Time: 1-3pm

Room: Tesla Room

Job Opportunity

SWE Summer Mentorship

SWE Summer Mentorship

Calling all current first to third years and transfers to sign up to become a mentor for the 2024 SWE Summer Mentorship Program! Our goal is to provide incoming women engineering students with support, a source of answers to their questions, and a new friend. 

Here are the program details: 

  • Each mentor will be matched with one or two incoming students.
  • We will connect you with your mentees by the end of June. 
  • This is a casual and low commitment program–your primary responsibilities will be to welcome your mentees to campus and answer their questions about life at UCLA!
  • Must not be graduating this quarter to sign up.

Being a mentor through this program is a simple way to reach out and can make all the difference for your mentees! Feel free to email with any questions!

Newsletter Submissions

To be included in future newsletters, please send the latest news, awards, publications and any upcoming PhD oral defenses to the Chair’s assistant, Winda Mak, at Please include “newsletter submission” in the subject line. The ECE newsletters will be sent bimonthly on the first and third Mondays of the month. Please ensure all submissions are received by the Wednesday before distribution to be included in the newsletter.