Izhak Rubin

Izhak Rubin

Izhak Rubin
Distinguished Professor and Area Director, Signals and Systems
Primary Area: Signals and Systems

Office: 58-115 Engr. IV
Phone: (310) 825-2326
E-mail: rubin@ee.ucla.edu
Research Lab: Autonomous Intelligent Networked Systems

Research and Teaching Interests:
Communications/telecommunications, computer networks, multimedia IP networks, UAV/UGV-aided networks, integrated system and network management, C4ISR systems and networks, optical networks, network simulations and analysis


Awards and Recognitions
2014       Lockheed-Martin UCLA Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award, 2014.
2014       Certificate of Appreciation, for over to IEEE Communications Society over 30 years
2006       IEEE MILCOM Conference, Best Unclassified Paper Award by Professor I. Rubin and his Ph.D. student R. Zhang
1999       Best Paper Award, Society for Computer Simulation International
1987-1991 Certificate of Appreciation for service as Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications,


IEEE Fellow


Selected Publications